Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Slave of the day

今天做了我妈妈一天的奴隶。可是我一声都没埋怨过。 这让我娘觉得好奇怪。。。 可是发生了一件非常好笑的事。。 so i was chatting with my mom about period pain... cuz i was having one... n i ask her if she got this problem ... n she answer me this "从我做nu生以来没有发生过将的事." so i was laughing lyk hell n aswered her.. "将你以前是个男生啦??" n she shut up... then work for the whole day... i got home n ZZzzzzzz...

my dad who nvr do anything on his own... lyk cookin or wash dishes COOKED maggi mee for himself today... man.... wat a miracle... n he WASHED my cup for me.. HAHAHA!!!!! am i going crazy??!!!

oh ya... i watched bleach movie 1 & 2... I LOVE BYAKUYA sooooooooooo much!!!!!! he is soooooooo yeng!!!! n he takes care of Rukia so much... jealous...

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